Sad Girls (Playlist)

by Latifa Tasipale

Spilt the final sip of coffee on your white tee this morning? Crushed by your crush? Sick of the patriarchy? The doctor’s prescribed you medicine, dewy-eyed babes. Prescribe the medication that matches your symptoms and let these ladies sing to you.

1. Missing yo’ boo? FEELS is for you.

2.Moving on? Try Someone New.

3. Trying to dodge the feels? Look to Cranes in the Sky.

4. Sick of the games? Hit up Losing

5. The feels WAY too real? Weak is the one for you.

6. Done? I’m Through (we are, too).

7. Bonnie on the side? We’re Sad Girl.

8. Want a good teary scream-sing? Try Make Me (Cry).

9. Misunderstood? Try Lorde’s Liability.

10. Feels got you looking crazy? This cover of Crazy in Love is too real.

Listen below.

Latifa Tee